Immaterial Books

The Grift

I did this project with my dad, Andrew Kochanowski, who's been shooting street photography since I was a kid. I'd been telling him for years to do a book but it wasn't until he met Phil from Immaterial Books that things finally got set in motion. The Grift takes a dispassionate look at the consumption of Trump media through the eyes of a series of rallies and events held in the leadups to the 2016 and 2020 elections.

I designed the book's cover as well as its companion site. Shoutout to Aaron Marz for doing the heavy lifting on the buildout. Check it out.


Immaterial Books

The Grift

I did this project with my dad, Andrew Kochanowski, who's been shooting street photography since I was a kid. I'd been telling him for years to do a book but it wasn't until he met Phil from Immaterial Books that things finally got set in motion. The Grift takes a dispassionate look at the consumption of Trump media through the eyes of a series of rallies and events held in the leadups to the 2016 and 2020 elections.

I designed the book's cover as well as its companion site. Shoutout to Aaron Marz for doing the heavy lifting on the buildout. Check it out.

I did this project with my dad, Andrew Kochanowski, who's been shooting street photography since I was a kid. I'd been telling him for years to do a book but it wasn't until he met Phil from Immaterial Books that things finally got set in motion. The Grift takes a dispassionate look at the consumption of Trump media through the eyes of a series of rallies and events held in the leadups to the 2016 and 2020 elections.

I designed the book's cover as well as its companion site. Shoutout to Aaron Marz for doing the heavy lifting on the buildout. Check it out.

I did this project with my dad, Andrew Kochanowski, who's been shooting street photography since I was a kid. I'd been telling him for years to do a book but it wasn't until he met Phil from Immaterial Books that things finally got set in motion. The Grift takes a dispassionate look at the consumption of Trump media through the eyes of a series of rallies and events held in the leadups to the 2016 and 2020 elections.

I designed the book's cover as well as its companion site. Shoutout to Aaron Marz for doing the heavy lifting on the buildout. Check it out.